Impulse Control Disorders (2024)

Continuing Education Activity

Impulse control disorders are pervasive and often life long manifestations of disabling behavioral patterns. Unchecked, these disorders can result in deleterious outcomes for those afflicted. This activity outlines the evaluation and management of impulse control disorders and reviews the role of the interprofessional team in managing patients with this condition.


  • Identify the proposed etiology of impulse control disorders.

  • Review the appropriate evaluation of impulse control disorders.

  • Outline the management options available for impulse control disorders.

  • Describe interprofessional team strategies for improving care coordination and communication to advance impulse control disorders and improve outcomes.

Access free multiple choice questions on this topic.


Impulsivity is a trait ubiquitous with human nature. What separates humans from life forms of lower sentience is the evolution of neurocircuitry within the prefrontal cortex that allows one to practice self-governance. Self-governance, or self-control, has many monikers. Moffitt, for example, uses the sobriquet conscientiousness to express this notion of self-restraint.[1]Moreover, whatever monikeris assigned, all encompass the foundational notion of effortful self-regulation. Those who can, for example, refrain from rising to an insult are considered to be more accomplished than their impulsive counterparts at implementing self-regulatory behavioral patterns.

Self-regulation arises from the existence of a conflict between two mutually exclusive inner psychic agencies, or more descriptively in Freudian terminology, between the impulsive id and the captious superego. One can either eat the cake, or not eat the cake, however, one cannot, both eat the cake and, at the same time, not eat the cake. Freud postulated that socialization was a process by which juveniles appreciated how best to suppress immediately satisfying urges, and instead consider what might be most beneficial for one's future self.[2]This indelible imbroglio between our impulsive nature and self-governing consciousness is at the core of human nature.

Normative behavior encompasses both reactive and stolid patterns; however, psychopathology arises in the event of impaired self-regulation, giving rise to disinhibition.[3]Disinhibited psychopathology has precipitated the nosologic identification of 'impulse control disorders' (ICD), in DSM 5.[4]Those falling under the taxon of ICD experience "failure to resist an impulse, temptation, or drive to perform an act that is harmful to the other person or others."[4]ICD, asdefined in DSM 5, consists of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), intermittent explosive disorder (IED), conduct disorder (CD), kleptomania, and pyromania. Two residual categories are available for those whose behavior does not meet the diagnostic thresholdof the preceding categories.

Of note, a classification change occurred in the transition from DSM IV to 5.[1][5]No longer is there the taxon' impulse-control disorders not elsewhere classified'. Instead, the disorders mentioned above fall under disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders. Furthermore, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), trichotillomania, binge eating disorder, and pathologic gambling disorders were removed and relegated to neurodevelopmental, obsessive-compulsive, feeding, and substance-related and addictive disorders, respectively.[6][7]Additionally, DSM 5 now allows for ODD and CD to coexist phenomenologically and offers a severity scale to be used in ODD. Compulsive shopping and internet addiction now fall under 'other specified disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorder,' whereas before they belonged to a category known as disruptive behavior disorder not otherwise specified (DBDNOS).[8][9]


Much is unknown regarding the etiology of impulse control disorder (ICD); however, consensus understanding is that the origin is multifactorial.Genetics may play a pertinent role as children with ODD are oftenthe progenyof parents with mood disorders, whereas those with CD spawn from parents who have schizophrenia, ADHD, substance use disorder, or antisocial personality disorders. However, this association may manifest as a result of a confounding variable, as parents afflicted with the disorders mentioned above often provide a dysfunctional family environment, thus increasing ICD diathesis.

Social factors implicated in the development of ICD include low socioeconomic status, community violence, lack of structure, neglect, abusive environment, and deviant peer relations. Lastly, some have postulated that those with ICD suffer from biological disturbances, distinguishable as reduced basal cortisol activity and functional abnormalities in frontotemporal-limbic circuits. Others have proposed cognitive deficits act as antecedents to ICD, such as learning disabilities.[9]


Epidemiologists estimate the prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), intermittent explosive disorder (IED), concomitantODD and CD, and kleptomania to be 3.3%, 4%, 2.7%, 3.5% and 0.6%, respectively. Pyromania has proven rarer than its other impulse control disorder (ICD) counterparts; a studyinvestigating those incarcerated for arson found that only 3% met the criteria for pyromania.

Most ICD diagnoses occur more frequently in boys than girls, besides kleptomania, which occurs three times more frequently in females. ODD has the greatest incidence before adolescence, whereas CD peaks in middle adolescence. IED tends to vary more greatly, but studies suggest persons are usually younger than 35 to 40 years old.[10]

History and Physical

The disorders encompassed within impulse control disorder (ICD) are identified as externalizing disorders, as these individuals express hostility and resentment externally, made manifest by conflicts with others; whereas, those with internalizing disorders direct their distress inwardly onto themselves, ego-dystonically.[11][12]

Patients will often reveal a history of physical or verbal abuse towards others, representing underlying impaired inhibition. Providers will unveil an evolving tension transpiring just before the deviance, followed by subsequent relief and catharsis. The patient may feel like a hapless bystander, victim to his impulses. Most importantly, these behavior patterns are extreme and inappropriate when contrasted with those of similar biological and developmental age, resulting in severe psychosocial and functional impairments.

Children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are best described as disagreeable and disruptive. Often these children have an irritable disposition. Their behavior is defiant, but it does not cross the threshold of delinquency. Usually, defiant behavior occurs within the household when prompted to complete chores or obey a curfew.[13]

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED)is definedas a low tolerance for frustrationand adversity. Between explosive episodes, these children will demonstrate appropriate behavior; however, upon exposure to minimal adversity, these patients will respond with violent,disproportionatetantrums, which may seem “out of character.” Incidentally, the rapidity of the escalation is mirrored, temporally, by the de-escalation. The explosive outbursts have no impetusfor secondary gain.[14]

The quintessential feature of conduct disorder (CD) is a persistent violation of social rules and the rights of others. Additional salient features include the destruction of property, deceitfulness, and illegal activity. Those with CD have often beencharacterized as callous, manipulative, and unemotional.[15]

Patients with pyromaniaengenderpleasure in the setting of fires, as well as in the observance of the aftermath. This could be an expression of impulsive behavior without a secondary gain.[16]

Patients with kleptomania experience a similar urge to pyromaniacs and will steal “unnecessary” items of trivial to no value. Patients with kleptomania often ascribe limited value to the items they steal and may discard the stolen goods or even return them. This disorder is most commonly seen in females.[17]


The evaluation of impulse control disorder (ICD) requires at least two assessment methods. It is paramount to obtain family history and parenting styles. Providers should interview teachers and get a developmental history, as well as academic records. Recent studies reveal that the Minnesota Impulse Disorders Interview (MIDI) has proven diagnostic value in the assessment of ICD.[18]

DSM-V offers evaluation criteria to help distinguish different impulse control disorders.[12]

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

ODD is the most common comorbidity with ADHD in children. The presenting symptoms of ODD fall in 3 domains, which include angry and irritable mood, vindictiveness, and argumentative/defiant behaviors. The child should have at least four symptoms and signs from these three domains for a minimum of six months for a diagnosis of ODD. The symptoms of ODDmay be confined to one setting (predominately home). These behaviors occur during interaction with at least one individual who is not a sibling. ODD cannot be diagnosed with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. About 1/3 of children with ODD develop conduct disorders.

Conduct Disorder (CD)

Conduct disorder is defined as the persistent and repetitive violation of major societal norms and the basic rights of others. For a diagnosis of CD, the child should have at least three symptoms in the past 12 months from the following domains -aggression to people and animals,destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, and serious violations of rules. These symptoms include bullying, threatening, initiating physical fights, cruelty to animals and others, forcing others into sexual activity, setting fires and destroying property, stealing and breaking into a house or car, etc. Other symptoms include breaking curfew, running away from home, and school truancy. CD has three ages of onset, including childhood-onset, adolescents onset, and unspecified onset. The diagnosis of CD does not automatically transform into antisocial personality disorder at age 18.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)

IED is defined as a lack of capacity to control aggressive impulses. This disorder presents as verbal aggression, on an average of 2 times per week for three months or three behavioral outbursts or tantrums destroying property within 12 months. (Individuals are at least six years of age or older and not in the context of adjustment disorder).[19]


Pyromania is defined as recurrent failure to refrain from impulsive fire setting. There is aheightened tension before firesetting and after firesetting. The fire setting is not in the context of anger,or vengeance o improving living conditions. The arson is not better explained by CD, mania, or antisocial personality disorder.[16]


Kleptomania is defined as the recurrent urges to steal objects with no monetary value. There is a heightened tension before committing the theft and relief after committing the theft. These acts of stealing do not occur during a hallucination or a delusion or mania or conduct disorder.[17]

Treatment / Management

To date, no FDA approved treatment modality exists for impulse control disorders (ICDs). Even still,management remains similar across the spectrum of all impulse control disorders. Strategies of salience that have demonstrated therapeutic value consist of reducing positive reinforcement of undesirable behavior, encouraging prosocial behavior, utilizing nonviolent discipline, and applying predictable parenting strategies. Specific therapies that are commonly implemented include parent management training (PMT), multisystemic therapy (MST), and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) with parent management.

Although unproven, in the setting of non-amenable aggression, providers may feel the necessity to prescribe mood stabilizers, antidepressants,or atypical neuroleptics.[9] Shock incarcerations and boot camps hold little to no value in the management of ICD, and can potentially exacerbate symptomatology.

Differential Diagnosis

There is an overlap of DSM 5 diagnostic criteria within the diagnoses of impulse control disorder (ICD). It can be hardto distinguishtheproteansubcategories. However,discretefeatures can help to differentiate better. ODD distinguishes itself from CD and IED, as children with the former are typically not physically aggressive, nor do they present with a history of criminal activity.

Those with ODD express a more non-compliant and annoying disposition, whereas those afflicted with its counterpart ICDs actively violate the rights of others, as in CD, or experience violentintractabletantrums, as in IED. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) can also resemble ODD and IED; however, DMDD is more pervasive than ODD and frequent than IED. Furthermore, DMDD and ICDs are mutually exclusive, with DMDD taking precedence if criteria are met for both.

Impulsive and oppositional behavioral patterns are observable across a plethora of psychiatric disorders, including mania, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance use disorder, psychosis, and cluster B personality disorders.[3][14][20]More specifically, 14% to 40% of those afflicted with ODD have co-occurring ADHD, and 9% to 50% experience comorbid anxiety and depression. CD often coexists with ADHD and ODD, and the debilitating anger of IED has been implicated with ADHD, borderline personality, and antisocial disorders.[21][13][21]

Treatment Planning

Individualized treatment plans should be developed to decrease impairments in social and educational functioning. It is also prudent to identify and address comorbid psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder, ADHD, anxiety disorder, and substance use disorders.[13]


Moffitt postulates that self-controlled children succeed as adults as they experience superior academic performance, interpersonal relations, and physical health.[22][23]Unfortunately, the reciprocal is alsotrue as those with impulsive dispositions have poorer prognoses. Studies show that those with ICD have a high likelihood of experiencing future substance abuse, depression, unemployment, and interpersonal relationship difficulties.

Impulse control disorders tend to be chronic unremitting disenfranchising patterns of behavior. In a more optimistic vein, intensive therapy, such as multi-systemic therapy (MST), has shown reductions in rates of out of home placements and re-arrests.[1][24]


The most severe complications occur in those with CD. Males with CD will often have records implicating vandalism, domestic abuse, and theft. Females with CD do not escape unscathed as they frequently have histories inclusive of deceit, prostitution, and truancy. Complications of ODD can be severe if these individuals progress to CD and onto antisocial personality disorder.

Deterrence and Patient Education

As with most disruptive behavior patterns, early intervention and psychoeducation are the best means of deterrence. Involving family and academic facilitators in the treatment plansoffers the best opportunity for success.

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Individuals with impulse control disorders are at a disadvantage from an early age. Refraining from innate impulses is a sign of maturity and has been proven to be a measure of future success. Unfortunately, ICDs are pervasive andoftenchronic disorders with limited available treatments. Acknowledging the severity of this spectrum of illness, the treatment team (parents, teachers, therapists, and providers, etc.) must work efficiently to provide the best means of care. Therapy strategies will involve psychologists and social workersimplementing psychotherapy, as well as case managers coordinating care outside of the clinic. Although commonly associated with poor prognoses, early and appropriate intervention from a diligent treatment team can lead to a significant reduction of ICD symptomatology.



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Disclosure: Kamron Fariba declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Srinivasa Gokarakonda declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Impulse Control Disorders (2024)


What are impulse control disorders? ›

Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are a group of behavioral conditions that make it difficult to control your actions or reactions. These problematic behaviors often cause harm to others and/or yourself. They can also lead to issues with the law. Some examples of these behaviors include: Angry outbursts.

What mental illness is impulsive? ›

Impulsivity is a characteristic of a number of mental health conditions, including borderline personality disorder (BPD), bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). People who experience impulsivity may make hasty decisions, get into arguments, and engage in risky behaviors.

Is ADHD an impulse control disorder? ›

While other disorders may involve difficulty controlling impulses, that is not their primary feature. For example, while people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or in a manic state of bipolar might have difficulty controlling their impulses, it is not their main problem.

How to fix poor impulse control? ›

How to Overcome Impulse Control Disorder
  1. Learn More About Your Disorder. ...
  2. Try Habit Reversal Training. ...
  3. Keep a Journal. ...
  4. Create a Risk Plan. ...
  5. Go to Therapy. ...
  6. Practice Mindfulness. ...
  7. Participate in a Support Group. ...
  8. Find Activities That You Love Doing.
May 26, 2022

What are signs of poor impulse control? ›

Signs and symptoms of impulse control
  • Engaging in risky or promiscuous behaviors and/or activities.
  • Stealing from family members, friends, or stores.
  • Starting fires.
  • Lying.
  • Hair pulling.
  • Explosive violent outbursts against others or property of others.
  • Extreme defiance.
  • Running away for no apparent reason.

What are the 5 stages of impulsivity? ›

Five behavioral stages characterize impulsivity: an impulse, growing tension, pleasure on acting, relief from the urge, and finally guilt (which may or may not arise).

What is the root cause of impulsive behavior? ›

Environmental factors like upbringing, exposure to stressful situations, or societal influences can also play a role. Experiences such as trauma or learned behaviors can also influence impulsivity.

Is impulsive ADHD or bipolar? ›

Bipolar disorder is primarily a mood disorder. ADHD affects attention and behavior; it causes symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. While ADHD is chronic or ongoing, bipolar disorder is usually episodic, with periods of normal mood interspersed with depression, mania, or hypomania.

What are three signs of impulsivity? ›

  • Are impatient with waiting their turn or waiting in line.
  • Blurt out answers before questions have been completed.
  • Interrupt or intrude on others, such as butting into conversations or games.
  • Engage in reckless, risky, or antisocial activities without thinking about the consequences. ...
  • Have temper outbursts.

What is the best medication for impulse control? ›

Medication. Some medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), have been found to be helpful in treating impulse control disorders. These drugs can help regulate the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain that play a role in impulsivity.

What is the rarest ADHD symptom? ›

ADHD, impulsive/hyperactive.

This is the least common type of ADHD. A child with this type is impulsive and hyperactive.

Is impulsivity a red flag? ›

Red Flag: Making Impulsive Decisions

Feeling them fully without comment allows the energetic charge to run its course.

What triggers impulse control? ›

There has yet to be a specific reason identified as to what causes impulse control disorders to develop. Most professionals believe that it is the combination of multiple factors, including genetic, physical, and environmental risk factors.

How to calm impulsivity? ›

Self-awareness is the first step to impulse control, besides seeking the guidance of a mental health professional. You can begin taming your impulsive behaviors by checking in with yourself, making it more difficult to act on impulse, and improving your mental and physical relaxation.

What is the best therapy for impulse control? ›

The most prominent form of treatment would be cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). CBT is effective in treating impulse control disorders because the focus of the treatment exposes the relationship between thoughts and behaviors.

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